Template:Possibly non-free in US
Although this file is claimed to be in the public domain in its source country, the United States uses different criteria for determining works that are in the public domain and does not use the "rule of the shorter term". As the sites of the Wikimedia Foundation are hosted in the United States, it must abide by these federal laws. If this file is still protected by copyright in the United States, please do not use this template and use an appropriate copyright tag and provide a rationale for its fair use on Wikipedia. Specific examples include the situations involving the images of Yousuf Karsh and some World War II images. Please provide evidence that this image is not protected in the United States when using this copyright tag. If in doubt of this work's copyright status, please nominate it as being possibly unfree. If this work were originally published outside the US and entered the public domain before January 1, 1996 in its source country, it may be in the public domain in the United States. |
This template reminds users that images that are in the public domain in their source country may not be in the United States.
badloThis template has been transcluded into public domain tags that make claims of an image being in the public domain in its source country using the "below" parameter of imbox for best results. current usage
See also
badlo- {{Do not move to Commons}}, a template for the opposite situation, where images cannot be hosted on the Wikimedia Commons because it is free in the US but not in the source country.