South Estonian bhasa

(South Estonian language se bheja gais)

South Estonian bhasa ek Uralic bhasa hae, jisme Estonia ke 160,000 log baat kare hae.

South Estonian
Baltic States
Native speakers
128,590 in Estonia[1] (2021)
Linguistic classificationUralic
ELPTemplate:Endangered Languages Project
The historical South Estonian (Võro, Seto, Mulgi and Tartu) language area with historical South Estonian language enclaves (Lutsi, Leivu and Kraasna)

South Estonian is classified as Definitely Endangered by the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger (2010)
  1. "Rahva ja eluruumide loendus 2021 – eesti emakeelega rahvastik murdekeele oskuse, vanuserühma, soo ja elukoha (haldusüksus) järgi, 31. detsember 2021" [Population with Estonian as their mother tongue by ability to speak a dialect, age group, sex, and place of residence (administrative unit), 31 december 2021, December 31, 2021] (in Estonian).