Wikipedia:IPA for Khmer

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Khmer language pronunciations in Wikipedia articles.

Consonants badlo

Full Subscript Initial Value Final Value
្ក k k[* 1]
្ខ k
្គ k k
្ឃ k
្ង ŋ ŋ
្ច c c[* 1]
្ឆ none [* 2]
្ជ c c
្ឈ none [* 2]
្ញ ɲ ɲ
្ដ ɗ[* 3] [* 4]
្ឋ t̪ʰ
្ឌ ɗ
្ឍ t̪ʰ
្ណ [* 5]
្ត [* 6] [* 1]
្ថ t̪ʰ
្ធ t̪ʰ
្ប ɓ[* 7][* 8] p[* 1]
្ផ p
្ព p p
្ភ p
្ម m m
្យ j j
្រ r r[* 9]
្ល [* 10]
្វ ʋ ʋ
្ស s h[* 11]
្ហ h none [* 2]
្ឡ none [* 2]
្អ ʔ none [* 2]

Dependent Vowels badlo

Vowel 1st Series Value 2nd Series Value[* 12]
ɑɑ (ɑː) ɔɔ (ɔː)
aa (aː) ɨə
ឣិ ə ɨ
ឣី əj ii (iː)
ឣឹ ə ɨ
ឣឺ əɨ ɨɨ (ɨː)
ឣុ o u
ឣូ oo (oː) uu (uː)
ឣួ [* 13]
ឣើ əə (əː)
ឣឿ ɨə[* 13]
ឣៀ [* 13]
ឣេ ei ee (eː)
ឣែ ae ɛɛ (ɛː)
ឣៃ aj ej
ឣោ ao ou
ឣៅ aw ɨw
ឣុំ om um
ឣំ ɑm um
ឣាំ am oa
ឣះ ah eah
ឣិះ əh ih
ឣុះ oh uh
ឣេះ eih ih
ឣោះ ɑh ʊəh

Notes badlo

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 All final stops in Khmer are unreleased.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 never occurs at the end of words
  3. typically an implosive, sometimes allophonic with d
  4. typically pronounced dentally, but does not contrast phonemically with t
  5. typically pronounced dentally, but does not contrast phonemically with n
  6. sometimes an allophone of ɗ
  7. typically an implosive, sometimes allophonic with b
  8. Allophonic with p when it occurs as the first consonant in a consonant cluster.
  9. Word final r is not pronounced in Standard Khmer, only some dialects of Khmer in Cambodia and notably Thailand pronounce it.
  10. typically pronounced dentally, but does not contrast phonemically with l
  11. norm in most dialects including the standard
  12. Khmer consonants belong to two classes that dictate the value of dependent vowels.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 same value in both series Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "indis" defined multiple times with different content